Currently reserves are 25.16 billion dollars: Bangladesh Bank

   Currently reserves are 25.16 billion dollars: Bangladesh Bank

Currently, the country's total foreign exchange reserves have decreased to 25.16 billion dollars, Bangladesh Bank said.

Central Bank Executive Director Spokesman Md. Majbaul Haq.

He also said that the steps taken to strengthen the economy have started moving in a positive direction. Financial indicators are turning positive.


Earlier, Bangladesh had paid 1.17 billion dollars to the Asian Clearing Union (ACU) for the import bills of the beginning of this month, September and October.


At that time, the executive director and spokesperson of Bangladesh Bank told the news about foreign exchange reserves. Majbaul Haq said,

Gross foreign exchange reserves of the country stood at 25.21 billion dollars after payment of Aku payments of the last two months. However, if the amount of 5.76 billion dollars is excluded from the foreign currency reserves, the amount of reserves stands at 19.45 billion dollars. 1.17 billion dollars have been paid in September and October.

However, the spokesperson of the central bank said that there is still no concern about the country's reserves to meet the import expenses of three months. Normally a country should have reserves equal to minimum 3 months import cost.

Earlier on October 19, in the press conference held in connection with receiving the second installment of the IMF loan, Majbaul Haque said that currently Bangladesh's foreign exchange reserves are 26.68 billion dollars.

Before that, Bangladesh had paid 1.31 billion dollars to Aku for the import bill of July and August. At that time, the actual foreign exchange reserves of the country stood at 21.50 billion dollars.

Earlier, the import duty of 109 million dollars was paid last July for the bills of May and June. At that time, the central bank's reserves fell below 30 billion dollars.


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